Life should be colorful. Wholesale online store of clothing in Ukraine.

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clothesStyle “kolorblok” remains to this day one of the main trends in fashion trends. The distinctive trait – a combination of two or three opposing bright colors. Clothing man gives preference to fashion trends, is a bit like a traffic light. Green sweater, red beret or hat, blue pants, yellow shoes, and so on. N. And since such a fashion “bad taste” firmly entrenched not only in the design of the new clothes, but also with regard to the make-up should look closer to her.

A distinctive feature of the application kolorblok style is that it is applicable only on clothing, pokroennoy in the genre of minimalism. Agree, the outstanding elements of the bright bold style would be too frank in conjunction with the elaborate design stylish clothes. Therefore kolorblok neighbors with modest geometric shapes. When using kolorblok trend is followed in clothes straight silhouette, cases or A-line.

It is not that kolorblok – is chaotic mixing bright colors. No, not a mixture, but it is a combination. And because there are rules that matched the color of the trend. Selected two main spectral color or gradation. For example, green and blue, and his transition color – turquoise. The difference between the basic colors should be prominent, but often selected two adjacent colors. The most common color trend – green with red, blue and yellow, green, blue, orange, blue, purple and red, yellow, green and others.

Another principle that matched the color – a combination of opposite colors. It is used to a greater extent with respect to the make-up.

And the third rule. The combination of colors that are in the color triangle. For example, purple-green, orange, yellow, purple, orange, white, red and blue.
This is not just for lovers of extravagant solution to attract attention. It’s really a godsend design, which merge into one great harmony of beauty, richness of flavor and color. The style of dress Kolorblok claims: life should be bright.