Thermal underwear or tourism without frostbite!

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thermal underwear to buyThermal underwear for tourism and sport. Autumn perfect season for hiking in the mountains. Those who love to hike in the mountains, he should know what to wear warm clothes, and it is desirable that it was fitting skirts and shoes. Finally, frostbite occurs even at temperatures of 6 degrees Celsius.

What is frostbite?

Tourism in the Alpine area, especially in the fall, when still quite cool, needs to buy thermal underwear, warm clothes and shoes. When it comes to frostbite, it requires a rapid response. In a particular risk are the ears, nose, hands and feet. When the weather is cool, and even in combination with high humidity or frost, then the body restricts blood flow to the extremities to protect the organs. Blood vessels constrict, leading to unpleasant pains associated with a feeling of cold. This warning should be taken seriously body warm-necessity, if there is no space, then at least drink a cup of hot tea. If you feel that your limbs are numb – it is the first sign of lung frostbite.

Degree frostbite:

1. First degree frostbite: numbness in the extremities. Necessary to lower limbs in warm water and a little hold them in water.
2. Second degree: the skin blisters and sometimes bleeding into the tissues. With these symptoms it is recommended to consult a doctor.
3. Third degree: Frostbite numb part of the body, and gradually begins to blacken. If large areas of the body are involved, it is possible even amplutatsiya.

Tips to prevent frostbite:

• Thermo-linen, warm clothes and obuv.Izucheniya weather (in advance) can effectively prevent frostbite.
• Hot drinks.
• Active movement, such as jogging. But in no case can not sit still or sleep.
• Avoid sweating as sweating loses heat. Thus, spare clothes and thermal clothing should always be in your luggage.