Thermal underwear and balaclava rescue in the cold or how to live in the Chukchi and Eskimos?

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thermal underwear to buyThermal underwear and balaclava for the Chukchi and Eskimo has recently become one of the important ways to warm the body in the cold cold, which are often rolled over the mark of minus 50 degrees. Walruses also give the Eskimos main tools for life. Their meat, fat, bone, tendon, skin – it is food, heating, clothing, material for building houses and boats.

Unfortunately, off the coast of Alaska is not only regulated by fishing, but the most ruthless way destroy animals. Most poachers whose underwear is more accessible hunt for walrus tusks. Cut down fangs, they throw carcasses into the sea and thus worsen the conditions of life of hunting and Eskimos. The number of stocks decreases rapidly. Walruses longer go rookery, which staged a bloody massacre. And this is – a disaster for the tribe living by hunting. The results of the predatory rule of the already affected.

In a completely different living conditions Chukchi and Eskimos on the Russian coast of the sea with respect to Alaska. Collective hunting with motor whaleboats dobychliva and profitable. During their products hunters can buy underwear, buy a balaclava which are necessary in cold and high-grade products, food. The local government has built for the Chukchi and Eskimo schools, hospitals. Many families have moved to live in the good of yarangas bright wooden houses. Among the Chukchi and Eskimos increased their mechanics, radio operators, teachers, pilots. Taking care of the government of the small nationalities brought these tribes a new, joyful life.