Women’s clothing, or How to become a beautiful lady?

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how to be a lady, clothesPrincess is not born, but becomes it. Everything begins with the beautiful dresses and correct manner. You see the difference with an ordinary woman or a girl? Therefore, to become a real lady, let’s take as the basis of etiquette and style, adding a bit of femininity.

This princess is like an angel, that is, has the angelic nature. It’s friendliness and good humor to all the earth. This high level of training, education and self-education. This communicating and find a way out in any situation. Capricious and spoiled person detained for a long time not imagine the man’s attention, so learn to be restrained. Remember that to show their emotions in high society is considered bad manners. Therefore it is not demonstrated at the public laughter, tears or arguments with the people around you. If you feel hurt or offended, do not develop the conflict, be generous attitude to everything going on indulgently. You will be a winner, I’m sorry if the offender.

To look elegant, do not chase fashion, developed his own style in women’s clothing. It should be based on the features of your figure and taste. Let your women’s clothing is in harmony with you and your surroundings. A lady isolated impeccable taste, grace and humility, not shocking. When it comes to cosmetics, it also ably should emphasize the natural beauty and conceal flaws. Be careful with decorations, do not overdo it. A single whole image of this lady also creates its interior room, the contents of the bags, which books are in the home library. That is in perfect condition should be all the little things that you use. So be picky about their purchases and not waste money on cheap and low quality stuff.

Observe the rules of personal hygiene, stay healthy. Exercise and eat right. Pay close attention to your posture and gait. They always have to be on top!

Do not forget to thank the person or apologize. At work, study or any important issue always comes on time and prepared. It is not only punctual, but polite. Respect yourself and others. If you hear the story of man, which has already heard many times, it is not necessary to interrupt the storyteller. Pretend that you are completely unfamiliar with the story. Do not skimp on the warm and approving words, but do not go for flattery. Do not criticize others, but only sometimes give valuable tips and hints. That woman sets the tone relations. So always be cheerful, bright and interesting. The main thing in all comply with the measure. Even within the family good manners has not been canceled. Do not be lazy, and helps with household chores household.

This lady knows how to behave in public places and at the table. Always keep a conversation, but never gossip and avoid conversations about money, politics, religion and sex. Get erudition. Be interested in new books, movies, music, and culture. But it never expose their knowledge on display! Well, when a girl is able to play any musical instrument, dance classical dances, besides bad draws and sings. If you wish, you can learn horseback riding, crafts and cooking.

Thinking should be positive, look around the positive side, do not fill your life negative. After all, where then take the power to inspire the man she loved? From time to time, make sure that what happens in the world. Remember esteem. Why should you be too soft? So do not let another twist of the rope itself.