Your style. How to become more feminine and more fashionable?

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Women’s clothing Most of his time is spent at work. And quite naturally, if in his workplace, we want to be more feminine and attractive. How to come to this, without leaving the scope of s business style? If the office is not rigid dress code, you can afford a variety of color combinations in clothing. The main thing is that they are in harmony with each other and your image is not looked vulgar and tasteless.

If a woman is feminine, even at work, she was forgiven minor flaws, and men are always in a hurry to help. Hurry up to use this chance! Femininity – it’s not just clothes. This, above all, the ability to behave. This pleasant manners, kindness and charm. Before it opened all the doors, she served her hand, give the word, and want to protect it. This lady is always in a befitting and negative emotions prefers not to show. It is an excellent strategist and she knows what to do in difficult situations. If you have not got rid of the bad habits, it’s time to do it.

Pay attention to women’s accessories. Suppose that you are not alone points, and more than two. Do not worry scarves, bracelets and pearl earrings. Do not be afraid to take a chance and put on red lipstick. It will draw attention to themselves, to feel confident and to succeed. If you are alone, you get a real man. It will help you to open up as a woman.

If you have created for the official style of bright, nothing prevents you to move it in everyday life.

Do not wear the first thing that came to hand. Think carefully about your future image. Be prepared for the fact that the business meeting can proceed smoothly in an unplanned or unexpected event party. That is why it is important to be always on top!

If you are constantly on the move, give their preference to the optimum style of clothing – casual-sports. That way you’ll always look attractive, you will be comfortable and convenient. But his image can be decorated with interesting accessories. Lack of heels will give you confidence in yourself, you will not be late for the meeting. Yes, and health will be fine! But anyway, even in ordinary jeans and a sweatshirt, you can look pretty sexy. But only on the condition that sexuality you really have.

I wonder what they say about feminine men? Femininity for them – it is emotion, tenderness, sincerity, freedom of thought, independence, and even hardness. Femininity – this is a big female cunning. Behind it and appeal, and the ability to present yourself to choose the right hairstyle, makeup and clothes.

If you have provided to the women’s uniform, then, of course, is that the working time you want to look like something special. Therefore, leaving the house, put a short pleated dress, beaded or fringed, pick hoop with feathers. Modest dress in the style of new look, coat with fur collar and high gloves. Do not worry, today’s clothing in the style of 50’s looks more than impressive. So do not be afraid to try for yourself images of a bygone era. Convenient and practical, you can always feel at work, and now try to create a unique image. Do not miss the vintage items – jewelry, handbags and dresses. Excellence, inspiring images of famous women who were able to not only look brilliant, and inspired men to great deeds!