Fashion & Style. How to become the most beautiful bride?

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How to become the most beautiful bride?Long gone are the days when fashion was Naroscheny nails with rhinestones and stucco, wood varnish from hair and smoky-eyes. In place of these remnants of the 90s came a modern femininity, naturalness and simplicity of the form and women’s clothing.

All stylists and makeup artists in one voice told that makeup and hairstyle should emphasize the natural beauty of the bride. It is not necessary to experiment on their wedding day and to radically change its image. Chances are, you will feel very awkward and uncomfortable. Therefore, give preference to pastel tones and classic makeup that you decorate and emphasize your femininity.

Hairstyle should emphasize the romantic image of the bride and give grace. Easy negligence – still the main trend in wedding fashion. Light waves, weaving, careless beams – is something that should be adopted when choosing a hairstyle.

Manicure must also fit into the overall image. It is not necessary to do a French manicure – it’s boring. Pick a shade of nail polish dress item, wreaths and bouquets of flowers. This manicure will look fresh, unusual and will add zest to your image. A good option can be a gold or silver metallic color Tiffany nyudovye shades. The main thing – to manicure natural complement conceived image.

When choosing shoes, stop your choice on the steady heel of medium length. After all, you have to spend all day in shoes, and they should not cause you discomfort, and even pain. Do not select shoes for a massive light flying dress. The image of everything should be harmonious.

The wedding day is to remember Congratulations, happiness and smiles rather than waiting for the evening to shoot a beautiful dress, shoes and studs to get annoying. Therefore, in this day try to create the most comfortable and natural way.