Introduction to fashion. What is meant by fashion?

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Fashion, ClothingWe all know what the word fashion. But how well do we know it?

Fashion always wondered caused bewilderment on the faces of many people at the same time struck our imagination and puzzled at the same time from the first minute of his appearance. The truth is the exact date is not set up yet, but many historians birthday fashion attributed to the 14th century.

What in the world was before, before the advent of fashion? Primitive people dressed in animal skins, or sewed clothes out of it, but as you know the word of clothes is very conditional. Was there a time in fashion – on bearskins, for example, and may be more fine was fox? Get yourself skin was very difficult, but the ancient people knew the value of the skins and so were ready for anything. This form of dress has not changed for centuries.

Over time, different peoples – the Scythians and the Mongols, the ancient Romans and Greeks, Indians, Chinese – favored certain clothes. It has fashion them? Probably not. Gradually improved costumes, but not very fast, though, and reflect the changes that have occurred within the state and in the national culture. But that same variability, which is the main hallmark of fashion, they are not observed.

Fashion manifested later in Paris. Many countries have for centuries fought for the right to be the birthplace of fashion. It is believed that its occurrence is associated with numerous manufactures fabrics. It is very obvious that this is true, because in order to change something, you have to have something. Around the 14th century fascination with numerous different types and shapes of clothes it received its long-awaited title. The word “fashion” comes from the Latin, meaning “way usually measure”. This meaning is unchanged today.

What happened next? Fashion gradually began to spread to Spain, Italy, England. This passion for fashion like a lot, its ranks grew enthusiastic every day. She broke the traditional forms and types of clothing, destroyed most stringent limits imposed its own rules and its own taste.