Women’s clothing. How do I know which color is right for you?

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 women's clothes, makeupThere are several types of human appearance based on the overall performance and in spite of the uniqueness of each woman. Well-chosen color of women’s clothing and make-up depends on the classification of tsvetotipu, so you can maximize reveal your natural beauty. According to this classification, all people are divided into 4 main groups, and if you learn how to define membership in the color scheme, you will have a stunning view of the light make-up and having a modest basic wardrobe.

Fashion stylist in every season chooses a new fashionable color for women’s clothing, each person can have their own palette, suitable only for him, and so blindly pursue fashion trends should not be. With the proper definition of belonging to tsvetotipu enables when choosing makeup and wardrobe to eliminate a large number of errors.
When fitting in the stores of the same model of women’s clothing, but in different colors, we can see that our eyes are bright and skin shone only at a certain color cloth. According to various pores of the year (as colortype) correspond to certain shades and colors of women’s clothing that are appropriate to one, then the other person.

Therefore 4 tsvetotipa group named as the seasons: winter and autumn, summer and spring. In connection with the shade and color of eyes, hair and skin determine human tsvetotip. Every season is peculiar to a particular type of color: warm (spring and autumn) and cold (winter and summer). The whole palette of red and yellow refers to the warm colors and all soft colors and blue are cold. Tsvetotip determined by the predominance of the greatest number of the color of the eyes, hair and skin specific person.

1) the type of spring: in this type includes natural blonde or light brown-haired woman with a warm peach or milky skin and iris of gray, blue and gray-green. They tend to quickly blush, have freckles and moles are golden brown. Also, they tend to the sun quick acquisition swarthy skin. And it should be taken into account in the selection and purchase of women’s clothing and makeup, preferring fresh, warm tones, like a blazing ray of sunshine. It is mandatory to include in the female wardrobe fashionable dress or a blouse or a touch of young leaves aquamarine hue, which will emphasize your individuality and expressiveness. Also in your wardrobe should be women’s clothes and toiletries apricot, peach, bright red and golden coral and turquoise. A dark-brown color, purchase purple hues or shades of chocolate milk. But under no circumstances should you use cold shades of pink clothing, dazzling white, or vice versa, coal-black color.

2) the type of summer: this is the type of contrasts – light skin and dark hair. Mostly dominated by a girl with brown hair ash-gray tide with blue as the lake, eyes, or gray, or hazel. In women, this type of skin with age becomes transparent to light grayish-olive shade, but always kind of cool colors. After tanning the skin becomes dark, in extreme cases, cool shades of brown. If freckles necessarily dark, like moles. This type of approach is cold, smoky gamma or pastel tones. Individuality emphasize the gray-white or dark pink with purple ebb female outfits. Expressive eyes emphasize the shadow of silver, pale blue, purple or pearly shade. And if you want bright colors, you can choose cherry, raspberry or red wine color. Do not use toxic, catchy, warm colors – orange, ocher, green caustically, carrot-red, which can spoil your image.

3) the type of fall: mostly women, or brown-haired brunette with a slightly reddish tinge of copper hair and face, dotted with freckles on her dark skin golden hue. Freckles tend to be burnt after sunbathing, or covered with a light golden hue. They are holders of amber-brown or cane with bright green eyes isolated iris. If you fit this tsvetotipu, then your appearance will make all the spectacular autumnal palette of warm clothing. You should opt for the golden-blue, emerald color shade and use shade of golden, yellowish-beige or copper color range. Your women’s locker room to emphasize the bright individuality to choose dark purple, mustard, or a bright red dress or suit. Do not use in female clothes cool blue, white, black, pink or blue pastel shades.

4) the type of winter: brown or brunette with dark hair and dark brown, almost black eyes. In this type include burning with a bluish tint hair brunette with blue eyes with a clear iris. Women with pale, porcelain-white, even bluish skin with no blush. And even a mole with a grayish tint. If you have the attitude to this type, it is the contrast of your skate, in which you have to combine bright black with white, silver with rich purple tones. Get your wardrobe for women’s clothes cherry, crimson, burgundy, pink, blue, dark hues of bright color. For formal occasions suit suits or dresses for women the color of dark chocolate and coffee. Do not use things with yellow, orange, red and brown brick and earthy flavor. Your style can fit into several groups tsvetotip immediately.

Following the general presentation of this theory you can learn to choose for themselves a basic wardrobe, revealing his beautiful appearance to the fullest.