History of the dresses.

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the beauty of womenIn 1840 it created the first decent sewing machine model. It is designed by Bartolomeo Timon – French master, making the sewing process much simpler models of dresses began to get complicated, and the cost for them to fall.

The twentieth century has changed dramatically models of dresses. They began to be shortened, lowered waist, the fabric stretched across female bodies making them more sexy and feminine. Until the Second World War came to a sad, severe time take away all that you can with a woman’s dress, long skirts and sleeves folds in the fabric would be excessive extravagance in such poor times. And the shape of everyday clothing was for many women. Generally, it is a sad time, all human life is flooded with sadness and gray colors. At the end of this horror came back into fashion elements of classic and romantic. Designers did their best to decorate the streets and add joy to society clothing. With 70 years in fashion includes long skirts hippies to replace obedience to the eternal ages society rebelled, there are many fashion trends, often dramatically. Now the woman herself can choose your style of dress, not paying attention to the time in which she lives, because the framework does not exist in women’s fashion.

I’m sure that such a thing as women’s dress, carrying a much meaning and festivity should hang in every wardrobe. World stars exploit it, picking up more and more new models. It is so multi-faceted art of creating fashion that the human imagination is no limits. Everything is changing so quickly that it is difficult to have time to buy the most fashionable, then the – dress. Women now have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the trend of other countries on the TV in the pages of glossy magazines. May themselves come up with models of dresses and order them from seamstresses.

The variety of fabrics and many years of experience, unleashes designers. Especially because of the constraints for the lovely ladies no longer exists, only their own taste preferences. Sometimes you can see on the street a woman who looks like a woman on the cover, very bold and bright dress adorn the female body.
Dress a must-have for every girl, it’s like an inherent notion of feminine beauty.