How to choose the underwear? Where to buy cheap skirts!

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thermal cuesSo how to choose the underwear? Among the variety of thermal underwear can be identified:

1 vlagoottalkivayuschey;
2 heat-saving;
3. Hybrid underwear – underwear moisture repellent and heat saving.

Vlagoottalkivayuschey underwear market is able to withdraw excess moisture during sports. The composition of the laundry never comes natural fibers, only synthetic, it forms so much that just does not make sense to list. Choose and buy underwear you can in this category – “Thermals”.

Heat-linen should be in sports in the cold, mild or moderate activity. This underwear is designed to retain heat, bringing at the same time and moisture. To clothing retains body heat needed layer of air between the body and the tissue protective warming layer so to speak. To create a three-dimensional stratum used woven fabric in order to hold the hot air. Absolute tightness at the laundry would cause excessive sweating in a vacuum. The warmer clothes, the lower the water repellency and air circulation. The composition of each model is different. Basically this polyamide and polyester, and to impart fabric elastin Stretch properties.

Hybrid underwear is underwear with the average heat savings and water repellency. In production use two layers of fabric. One layer consists of synthetics, providing drainage, and the outer layer is teplosohranyayuschaya fabric composed of natural fibers. There is a single-layer version of the underwear, but these two functions coexist in it, by mixing different types of fabrics – natural and synthetic.

To choose a good warm clothes, you need to analyze what it is exactly you need, how much you sweat, and what kind of load you’ll take over, as well as the temperature of the medium in which to engage in sports. And then choose the appropriate option. Moreover, the thermal underwear market is wide and varied.