The history of thermal underwear.

thermal cuesThermal underwear – warm clothing is always needed a man. Modern underwear is very superior in functionality and convenience of everything that had to carry people to escape from the cold.

A great opportunity to put on a short jacket in winter and not to worry, that freeze gave us the development of technologies for creating synthetic fiber.

The progenitor of this species can be considered warm linen trousers. Shorter warm leggings, leg closely hugged the middle part of the body of men. In the 16th century, Catherine de Medici “Black Queen” wife of the king of France Henry 2 first dared to wear men’s clothes on a horse during hunting, raising himself coyly floors skirt showing her beautiful legs to her husband, she was not quite beautiful. All women at all times, trying to be sexy and attractive, sometimes sacrificing their own health and comfort, so its action was out of the ordinary.

The effect of sexy clothes and used Byzantine courtesans, keeping their customers crazy lace panties. They are nicknamed the devil’s clothing and tried to ban, out of production, but in vain. Men continued to wear them for protection from the cold.

In the 19th century men wore warm pants, they are made of natural fabrics, respectively, heated well, but as soon as a person to sweat, it freezes and becomes ill. If the clothes are not wicks moisture away from the body, then the body has to expend a lot of energy to heat the water that is lost heat.

Mankind is needed in the invention of synthetic fibers, because no natural and practicality of their high price. The first attempts to create artificial filament taken Frenchman Audemars experimenting with nitrocellulose. In 1884, the Frenchman G. Chardonnay developed a method of producing nitroshelka – synthetic fibers.

It was a bit of history about the development of the warm underwear as such in history.