The history of fashion from the base Couture!

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The history of fashion from the base Couture!Revolution in the French fashion made Charles Frederick Worth. The Englishman Worth reigned forty years in the fashion world. He developed a highly accurate system companies – “haute couture”. Craftsmanship and quality of tailoring models in its control was impeccable. Worth for the promotion of fashion first used methods such as demonstrations with mannequins.
Even then it called – “doubles”. His wife was the first fashion model.

First Charles Frederick Worth was the spin mode. It was he who sold clothes for plagiarism, allowing the dissemination of models. Use only those tissues that are considered necessary, as they say now, “I introduced the fabric in fashion.” He stands at the source of the origin and development of the mechanism of fashion. Worth introduced into the existing foundation to the present day fashion “haute couture”, called “couture kreasen,” he laid the basics of the fashion industry. The basis of which, fashion houses are to the present day.

Some time mass “ready-to-wear” and “high fashion” were relatively parallel and do not touch each other. The class of wealthy and famous people dressed in clothing “haute couture”. Unique and exclusive, created in single copies clothes. Rightly called – “author”, such clothing was named after its creator.

But in a “ready-to-wear” was quite different. A huge party sewed things – simple and non-committal from inexpensive fabric. The artist who created the model at the factory, always remained obscure. It lasted a long time, I have not yet raised the issue of the validity of Pierre Cardin. He was a real reformer in the world of fashion.

Cardin also supported Andre Kurrezha, trying to go for a clear framework of “haute couture”. And to extend the models to the masses, to make available to the majority. To achieve more, Pierre Cardin in 1960, became a duplicate in a lot of their collections. Giving the opportunity to dress fashionably and tastefully lot of wishing. The moment was chosen as the best way to form his own style quickly caught the youth style – “hippies”. Dressing the colorful, not the usual cut clothing.

Cardin has put on the mass flow of not only the idea of ​​clothing in the style of high fashion. But painstaking execution, responsible for the quality of products, which is one of the main factors in the high fashion. Industrial production has been created a number of modifications in technology, modeling and designing clothes. In order to achieve the universality of the models fit for any figure. “Pret-a-porter” was raised to the level of “haute couture” personal merit Cardin. This undermines the authority of Pierre Cardin haute couture, with the founding of which was almost a century, from the legendary times Worth, kept the name of “haute couture”.

In the noble Union of French fashion house he held a scandal in which Carden was expelled from the union. Whose opinion was that mass production of clothing is absolutely the opposite of “high fashion” and can not have in common. This conflict is thoroughly condemned in the press. The foundations give way to school or “haute couture” Protva industrial fashion. After many years, it can be concluded that high fashion has remained at the top, and the industry is going to her heels.