What to do if you “burned” iron clothes?

What to do if you “burned” iron clothes?

Probably each of us faced with such a problem, as “burns” from iron. It’s a shame when the favorite women’s clothing, seemingly spoiled forever. However, do not worry and do not sleep to throw out your favorite dress, blouse or your favorite leggings. There are several proven ways to help you quickly and effectively get rid of tan markings.

Method one: lemon juice + sugar powder. Excellent, and most importantly an effective remedy. “Tan” moisten with lemon juice, poured on top of a little powdered sugar. Leave singed place for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse the item in cold water.

Method two: fine salt + cold water. Immediately soak singed place in cold water. Sprinkle a little fine salt. Do not hang washing salt thing in the sun. This way of great help to cope with the “tan” only during the hot, summer hours. On cold winter days, it is best to choose another way.

Method three: hydrogen peroxide + bright light. If you are “on fire” clothing during the day, be sure to try this method. Singed place moisten with hydrogen peroxide and expose clothes to bright light. This method is suitable for both warm and cool for the day.

Method Four: baking soda + water. This method is best suited for fine fabrics, such as silk. Make a paste of cold water and fine salt. The resulting mush saturate “burns.” Note: The mixture is not washed off. Once the fabric is dry, whisk salt residues with a soft brush or a soft cloth.

All the above methods are suitable only if the yellow “burns” from the left iron. If you have burned tissue, these methods are not effective.