We celebrate the new year in 2017, which one to choose outfit?

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new yearThe main color of women’s clothing 2017, among other things, as 2016 will be red. However, apart from the red as such, you can choose red, burgundy and shades of pink. List of colors for New Year’s dress also can be supplemented by yellow and orange, according to astrologers, Rooster approves all the fiery hues.

On the issue of male style in 2017 it is necessary to depart from the negligence of style and take care of the originality and elegance at the same time. Takeout away your torn jeans and fun t-shirt. Instead, they can be put, for example, a pullover and trousers, their main task -lish accentuate your masculinity.

For the ladies the best one for this year will buy asymmetrical dresses, maybe it will buy a dress, buy a blouse and a skirt or even women jumpsuit. The main thing – be gentle and feminine in the chosen dress. The image of the brash and flashy’ll save for later. Accessories must be moderately possibly even less than necessary. They need only to emphasize your beauty and add to the image. Stick to a minimum by wearing jewelry.