Fashion. What is it?

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online clothing storeThe concept of “fashion” in the modern world has taken one of the first stages of development. What it does to people? Fashion – a fickle thing, it has a set of directions, styles, and they are increasingly changing. Is it Possible? Quite a controversial issue. The man wants to stand out as the “gray mass”, that every day is gaining more and more of her misunderstanding and condemnation.

Not many if struck by this problem? Many. Take, for example, girls. In modern times it is fashionable to have long legs, tightened figure, sometimes even bordering with anorexia.

Modelling – the fashion industry. Typically, young girls captured the ideas of fashion, some prefer just fashion apparel, accessories, bright hair color, but there are girls who starve themselves, do plastic surgery to look like a beautiful doll with the covers of magazines.

Men – a separate issue. In the last ten years, the number of boys models increased three times. It has become fashionable androgynous model. Men dress up as women, participate in photo shoots, go on the catwalk in high heels. That’s what it twenty-first century.

Let’s talk about more ancient styles. There are countless areas of fashion, namely, such as business style, glamor, kitsch, classic, sporty style, and many others. clothing styles, which have won a large number of fans at the time.

Linen style – clothes, dominated by lingerie, such as T-shirts, tank tops or shorts with a high waist.

Garzon – a style in which a woman tries on a man: a variety of tuxedos, jackets and coats male cut.

Imperial style – the direction of Napoleon’s time, the foundation laid straight leg, for example, flowy dress with a high waist. That imperial style lies in the foundation of many modern styles.

But the fashion sphere has swept not only clothes. Fashion in architecture, music, cars, literature, politics, and culture. People spend a lot of money in the pursuit of fashion, but it too quickly changes his priorities.

Previously, in order to fashion had changed a century now, and missing the season. But that does not dictate fashion, it always returns to its roots, classic clothes which is the foundation base of the wardrobe woman.

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