We combine color in a woman’s dress: several secrets.

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Women’s clothing or how to combine color in a dress: several secrets.

Every woman, choosing an outfit in her own wardrobe, tries to look extremely relevant. But it is also important to understand that the first fiddle plays not the cut with the texture in the ensemble – it is the color that determines its effectiveness.

We all know, then red in clothes is a tone of undisguised sexuality, and black will hide the shortcomings of the figure, but does this end with all the secrets of choosing colors in clothes? Of course not! That’s about its correctness and we’ll talk today.

Globally, all colors are divided into achromatic and chromatic, and the latter include all the known range without white and black. In general, shades are pure neutral, cold and warm. Warm is the whole palette of yellow, red and orange, it can lift the mood, yellow is good for depressive states, and red will be very effective at the gala evening. Yellow is combined with purple, and orange this season is preferable to wear with black or blue. But in any case, you can not be like a traffic light, mixing in a dress yellow, green and red.

To cold shades carry a blue, green and purple palette. Green is a color in the clothing of purposefulness and emotionality, it has a calming effect and is good with white or beige, and also with yellow geometry. Blue in clothes like nature ambitious, business people, but should avoid its combination with gray and black. Light blue today is promoted with orange. Violet prefer people who love attention. It is ideal with warm shades, or in a one-color combination with bright accessories, and its combinations with orange, white and pink are appropriate.

Brown, black, white and gray in clothes are neutral colors, and the first and last in this list are considered rather gloomy tones, therefore it is recommended to use them only with warm tones.