What clothes make a woman younger and which is older?

women's clothes, makeupA woman under 40: what kind of clothes do they make younger, and which is older?

A woman after the age of 35 already wants to look younger, for some reason it seems to her that after 30 years, and even more so, approaching 40, she begins to grow old, and everyone notices this.
In fact, the internal state of a woman is important, and it largely depends on how a woman looks. It is important to monitor your appearance and health, as well as for your women’s wardrobe and manner of dressing.

Looking young and young is not the same thing. You can look young only at a young age, and young – in any. Younger than her years, a woman will look like she does not wear youth clothes, which, on the contrary, will age her, and clothes that fit her in age, shape, style, lifestyle, character.

For example, trying to seem slimmer, many women choose and buy women’s clothing in black. Yes, it can make you visually slightly thinner, but at the same time will emphasize all the flaws and wrinkles of the face, making it grayish.

Women’s clothing of dark brown and gray colors also need to be worn carefully – it does not slim the body, but imparts heaviness, and the whole image makes it gloomy and heavy, which adds age. You can wear these colors only in contrast to them, for example, dark brown-light brown-beige-cream-white, dark gray-light gray-white or with colored (dark bottom, color top, but not vice versa).

Women’s clothing is very tight, especially from synthetic fabrics, glossy or overflowing, with deep cuts and décolleté, very short not for you, it is for 14-20 year olds. On you, she will only emphasize that you are not only 18, but not even 30. Better to put on age in feminine clothes, then you will look 5-8-10 years younger.

This can be achieved by buying and putting on women’s clothing that sits on the figure, rather than wrapping it or hanging on it. The cuts and length of skirts, dresses should be moderate, not above the kneecap, a cut at the back of the skirt is allowed higher. Maxi skirts use only if they do not emphasize the shortcomings of your figure in the hips, buttocks, abdomen.

Pants are good to buy a classic cut, with even not flared and unknitted trousers, without attritions, without sequins, without embroideries and appliques. The color can be anything – from blue to dark blue and black, but not colored – it looks childish even on young ones, and quite ridiculously on mature women. Pants and skirts of light colors are not always full – it all depends on their style, combination with the top, belt, shoes and your figure. Measure and experiment, select your image.

Be careful to be with shorts, breeches, capri. They go only to slender women with an ideal figure. Choose a classic cut and discreet colors, without appliqués and sequins.

The top can be any color – pastel or bright, but not monotonous-dark, this, as already mentioned, is aging the face and the woman as a whole. The style of blouses, sweaters should be feminine, but without unnecessary ruches, cuts, inscriptions, glitter, appliqués. Monochrome or patterned, non-acidic colors look top notch.

In any case, over the years, women not only update the wardrobe, but also change the style, the image. Change them, it does not mean that you have grown old, it means that you have changed. Children also become an old man and start dressing differently, treat this exactly like that – I’m older, we change clothes and clothes – hurray!