What is important to consider before buying women’s clothing inexpensively?

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youth clothing, youth style, fashion studentWhat is important to consider when selecting clothes?

The eternal feminine question: how to choose the right women’s clothes? From the cabinet piles of “shmotok” fall out, time goes by, we’re late for work – there’s nothing to put on, as usual.

First, let’s define – where are we going to go?

To understand what women’s clothes to choose, for each case you need to pick up certain clothes. And it is not necessary to appeal to expensive stylists to choose something suitable, whether it be work, theater, restaurant, disco, romantic date or a picnic with friends. To begin with, you probably know what colors and shades are right for your skin. What styles of clothes will make your figure even slimmer, and the waist is even thinner or, conversely, hide the protruding tummy. What kind of handbag is right for these shoes (boots, sandals).

If a dresscoat is introduced at your work, this greatly simplifies the task, at least there is no temptation to wear a bright striped sweater and a short denim skirt that will look good on a walk in the park. A brilliant topic in no way can make the company rude in appearance ugg boots.

One should not blindly follow the fashion trend of one season when selecting stylish clothes, so as not to look with perplexity at the bright-lilac dress costing half a salary, which has already settled in your closet. Although, if it is already there, then do not hold it “For a special occasion” – I think you will have the opportunity to flaunt it in front of your friends or loved ones more than once. Let the bought dress with a good faith work for you, so as not to regret the money spent, when the fashion for lilac will pass.

The main thing is to choose appropriate accessories, jewelry and correct make-up. And, if you have a girlfriend who cares what you are wearing and how you look, shopping is better with her. Sellers need to sell and not everyone will say: “But this is not for you, go to a nearby boutique …”.

Attentive need to be not only picking up women’s things, earrings or lipstick. It is very important what your hair is. Not everyone wears long hair, not everyone has a short haircut. It’s really better to ask for advice if you can not see yourself from the outside. Though here mistakes are possible. The hairdresser can advise you the style of “lady”, and you are in the shower “tomboy”.

How to be here, to feel comfortable with a new haircut? You can play in the “lady” if there is no internal strain, but if you feel uncomfortable – change the wizard. Look for someone who hears you and sees your inner image. It’s difficult, but possible.

Well, the smell. I noticed more than once that I do not have a taste for one smell. I can use one perfume for a year, and then they cease to suit me. This is normal. The chemical composition of our body is constantly changing and our need to sense this or that smell is changing. There is a whole science of smells – “aromatherapy”. And, very importantly, do not overdo it. After all, it’s enough to leave an easy trace of the chosen fragrance, but not to smell like a perfume shop in the middle of a medieval town.

What else is important to remember when selecting women’s clothing? Purity! There is not always an opportunity to take a shower after work, when there is either an important meeting or a trip to the theater … But there are wet wipes. No perfume will not be able to kill even a slight smell of sweat.

And smile more often! Your sincere smile will eclipse all the minor flaws in the selection of clothes or hair!