Required accessories for ski suit

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neoprene balaclava, balaclava mask, balaclava where to buy, buy a balaclava Ukraine, neoprene, market women's clothing, StimmaDid you want to rest in the mountains? Have you already collected all the basic equipment? And have you taken a balaclava with you? If not, then this useful article about balaklava!

Buy the first available at the resort is not an option: first, the price is much higher than usual, and secondly, most often the quality leaves much to be desired.
Choose high-quality balaclavas-hats!

Basically, those who like to ride snowboards or skis, do not pay attention to the weather and ride in a variety of conditions. And the higher in the mountains, the more extreme the conditions and the weather changes more often. Yes, and in our Carpathians can often encounter either a strong wind or a snowfall. When you quickly leave the descent, a counterflow of cold or, sometimes, chilling air, and burns his face without a mask. As a result: frostbite, peeling or just uncomfortable skating (and we still do not take into account the fall!).

To protect the face from cold wind and snow, it is recommended to all fans of winter outdoor activities to buy balaclava – masks made of fabric that completely cover the face, leaving only the eyes open. Snowboarders look very cool in them, so balaklava has become an indispensable attribute of the whole image.
How to identify a bad quality balaclava?

Simple and cheap models of wool and cotton can be immediately identified if:

Through it it is difficult to breathe, because of what the fabric becomes wet and the skin is even more frozen.
Movement became limited.
Constantly slipping.
Rubbing his neck.
It’s difficult to talk through it.

In order to avoid all these troubles, always check the balaclava mask for these shortcomings before paying for the goods. And as for their varieties, here you can not worry. Balaclava can be bought in a variety of models and colors, both in the store and on the Internet under the order. In confirmation of this you can find a photo of balaclava masks in the Internet.

Balaklava hat: what do they do?

Cheap models are sewn from fleece, acrylic or cotton. More expensive models – from fine synthetics and light neoprene.

The most practical and effective balaclava mask is one that is combined from several parts: the part that falls on the neck area makes it warmer, and where breathability is required for free breathing – inserts are made from “breathable” tissues that dry quickly or make special slots.

In the shops you can see a wide variety of balaclava caps: from simple monochrome to multicolored and with animalistic 3D prints. Therefore, do not be lazy and go to the store. There you can always help with a choice, and you can buy a really good quality balaclava!