Models and varieties of trousers.

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Women's fashion trousersModels and varieties of pants!

What do we know about trousers? We know that their popularization belongs to Marlene Dietrich and Coco Chanel. Today, there is no limit to the variety of women’s pants, most women continue to wear them and are considered one of the most democratic types of women’s clothing.

Trousers “came” to us from the East and their development took place mainly in the Germanic tribes, who “lent” this kind of women’s clothing to the Romans. However, the most widespread distribution of trousers of all possible styles and types occurs in the second half of the 15th century. And the fact that silk trousers today are respected and preferred by many admirers of fashion is not surprising. These trousers are due to the above mentioned period. In those days they were called “plundra.” For their sewing, silk was used. These trousers wore to know, giving the plunders the look of pillows. For this purpose they were filled with hay, sticks, feathers, which fully confirmed their name, which in translation means “pants with stuffing.” Later this fashion spread to England.

The decoration of trousers with all sorts of accessories and ribbons began already in France. And nowadays it is possible to notice a lot of similar ornaments between modern female trousers and familiar to many of us in the movies by the pants of the musketeers. Regardless of the material, such pants are subjected to wrapping and tying. At the same time, the main goal is to preserve a subtle hint of historical origin, using the newly created decorative accessories. Of course, the silhouette will change, but its historical origin and the essence of the idea should be preserved.

Trousers continue to storm fashion today. In this case, they can be classic or take the form of capris, shorts, bananas, etc. Fashion is regularly returned to long-forgotten old styles that are being improved and again massively demonstrated on city streets and fashion podiums.

Classic pants.

These are straight pants long to the bone. They are usually made from monochrome fabric, sometimes also from tissue to a cage or strip. It is convenient to work in them, participate in business meetings. Classic pants are perfectly combined with a jacket of the same color.

Flared trousers.

They appeared as sailor trousers with a characteristic bell on the bottom and then came into vogue as a kind of male and female clothing around the middle of the 20th century. A flush is a kind of cut, in which the edge line relative to the edge of the blade is cut diagonally. This feature provides for such pants soft beautiful waves that billow in the gusts of the wind. The flush usually starts from the knees, but today in the fashion flare coming from the hips, and sometimes even from the waist.


This is also a kind of classic trousers. However, jeans can be called classic trousers for rest. If necessary, go out to light is usually used jeans with ornaments from beads, etc.


They are very similar to pantyhose, which are cut off feet. Women often wear them under a skirt instead of pantyhose. Of course, in this case the leggings should be thin enough and ideally fit your legs. These trousers are worn with socks of the same shade as the skirt, but contrasting from the leggins themselves. And the more contrast the colors are, the better the appearance.

Pants are cigarettes.

This is the most sexy type of trousers, as they fully fit the figure. Thanks to modern elastic fabrics, this type of trousers is super popular for several seasons.

Sail trousers.

These are usual wide trousers, in which the waist contains a string or an elastic band. The most advantageous this model of trousers is in the summer. For sewing trousers, sails are used silk, linen and other light types of fabrics. Accordingly, the color should be light, that is, it should be light colors: light green, beige, lilac, etc.


This is a wide, narrowing down and folds at the waist pants. Usually they are sewed from checkered fabric. Excellent looking bananas in beige color, but it is possible option and other pastel shades. It is not recommended to use too bright fabric for sewing such trousers.


These are all the same bananas, but shorter, about knee length. Bermuda is convenient to use for a picnic trip, but you can go to them and to work or to a disco. Usually they are worn with shoes or sports shoes, but you can wear shoes and heels under Bermuda.


The length of such pants can usually be just below the knee, but sometimes it can be up to the calves. At the bottom of the breeches contain cuffs. A wide range of fabrics allows expressing individuality and sewing breeches of the necessary style and colors. A strip and a cage, motley ribbons, an interesting plot – when choosing a pattern for bridge constraints there is practically no such thing.