What to wear for a trip to the theater?

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To date, the theater remains one of the few places where you can “walk” your holiday attire or a new blouse. After all, the atmosphere, place and solemnity have a holiday.

Classics in women’s clothing – the perfect choice!popular

It’s no secret that the fair sex people prefer the length of the mini, but the theater is not exactly a suitable place for such a women’s attire. You can arrange for your side “crash test”: sit down, stretch in it. If there is stiffness or embarrassment, it is better to leave this female outfit for another outlet. For example, for a meeting with friends, such women’s clothes will suit all the same better. A no-lose option is a dress of dark color or you can take a blouse and trousers under a long cardigan. First, black color is absolutely for everyone. Secondly, under this outfit, it’s easier to pick up accessories.
No matter how much it is written about the linen style, silk dresses and lace tops will be inappropriate.

Dresses from “difficult” materials!

The most interesting thing is that the female outfit for the theater itself can be partially “theatrical”. If you appear with a clutch, in a tuxedo or with a cane, you will more fit the dress code than people in jeans and sneakers. Do not be afraid of dresses made of complex fabrics. In life there are not so many reasons to walk your purple velvet suit and at the same time look not funny.


Combining your outfit from trousers and a jacket with high-heeled shoes and well-chosen jewelry, you can look no less spectacular than in a dress. What if you wear a tuxedo? After such a woman it is impossible not to look back.


Undoubtedly, a high sharp heel is beautiful and sexy. But this is an optional rule for going to the theater. An excellent analogue may be losers, with patterned screeds, suede or patent leather shoes. By the way, velvet shoes look especially elegant.

Miniature handbags!

A neat bright clutch or envelope is, as they say, exactly what the doctor prescribed. Despite the small size, these handbags are quite functional. Favorite lipstick, purse and phone will surely find a place in it.