Gray color in women’s clothing.

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Buy dress, buy dresses, knitted dresses, the price of dressesTo buy gray clothes from many is held in high esteem. But let’s look at the psychology of gray.

Gray color for many is associated either with dullness, boredom inexpressiveness, sadness and junk, or with elegance, comfort and versatility. This is the “golden mean” between black and white colors, which allows you to select many successful combinations in clothes and create original images. Gray is the color of poise, calm and softness. It calms the eye and does not cause violent emotions, such as aggressive red or bright yellow. He has no “age”, fits almost any figure and color type of appearance.

How to choose a combination?

Gray is able to transform in combination with different colors. For example, along with pink, he will give tenderness and elegance. With red, it will add chic and mystery, and with yellow it will add playfulness and lightness. The combination of gray and orange looks spectacular and bright, although without a “partner” the orange color can ruin everything.

A pair of gray and blue is perfect for a business look. Together with brown, this color looks elegant and restrained, but if the selection of women’s clothing is unsuccessful, it can turn a person into a mouse. Blue-gray with olive looks especially fashionable and at the same time strict. The image of gray and lilac seems very tender. Harmonious combination with green, especially with its muffled, deep tones.

However, with black and white this color in most cases looks dull and dry. Quite rarely you can find a successful image of these flowers.

There are many shades of gray, and it is suitable for any situation. It remains only to choose which image you want to create, and choose the color “partner” necessary for this. Gray is good in clothes not as a detail, but as a major element – a dress, pants, shirt or blouse, but not a bracelet or handbag. Accessories should be bright little things on a gray background, which will create the mood of the image.

A specific role is played by the type of fabric. For example, dark shades look better on suede and velvet, and scattered, smoky – on wool. Light gray is good on lace and light fabrics.