The most popular mistakes in making a wardrobe.

The most popular wardrobe mistakes

Fashionistas are undeniably familiar with the situation when, following the latest trends, you dress in the most expensive things, and the image turns out to be wrong and strange. This happens for the reason that leaving the outfit, the fairer sex make ridiculous mistakes.

The combination of more than three colors in clothes is one of the most common mistakes. Such a wardrobe is appropriate only as a carnival costume. Try to combine a maximum of two or three colors. In this case, if there is a third color, it is necessary that it be neutral.

Most people choose clothes that are out of size. Some, buying smaller outfits, want to look slimmer, while others – wanting to hide excessive thinness, wear a size larger. To look harmonious, and not funny, you need to choose clothes of your size.

Wanting to look seductive, the girls simultaneously combine a deep neckline and a short skirt. As a result, the image is not sexual as planned, but indecent and vulgar.

Bright makeup in the daytime is considered a very blunder. To create a stylish image, it is necessary not only to choose the right clothes, but also to apply the appropriate makeup. Daytime makeup should be moderately restrained.
Combining women’s accessories with clothes, girls often forget about a sense of proportion. It should be remembered that in one image you cannot use more than three or four massive jewelry. In this case, accessories should be combined in color, style and material.
It is inappropriate to select a handbag in the same color scheme as shoes. A bag of soothing shades will be best combined with bright shoes.

The wardrobe must be made not only in accordance with the weather, sometimes the year, but also according to the dress code. In order not to look ridiculous, before attending the event, you should clarify in what format it will be held.
It should be remembered that it is almost impossible to combine different styles of clothing. In order not to violate the harmony of style, do not wear uggs with a classic skirt, and stilettos with a denim skirt.