Red color in the present and the past.

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Women’s clothing red.Red is recognized as the main color these days, it was with its help that a huge number of different new colors and shades were created. Red bright shades can cheer you up, gloomy shades can tune in a serious way, and pastel shades can help you relax. This color has always been given and paid a lot of attention, this color is truly mesmerizing.

Despite the popularity of red these days, in the past, few could afford to buy red clothes. The dye obtained from the cochineal bug was quite expensive, and the recipe for its preparation was kept secret for a long time. That is why only kings, dukes, riches, counts, etc. could walk in red. and this went on for a long time.

The real bloom of red began in the 19th century, when a new recipe for the dye was discovered, this dye was not too expensive, and red products became available to almost everyone. Since then, people dressed in red have become more. Designers included red in their clothing collections, ordinary people in their wardrobes.

Nowadays, red in clothes has become almost a classic, along with white and black. People dressed in this color know that from now on a large number of looks and attention will be riveted to them. The main characters of films, stars at events, or ordinary people who decide to please themselves on a weekday or holiday, wear this color in their clothes.

A special addition to red clothing will be accessories decorated in the same color. An elegant hat, glasses in a fashionable frame or a stylish belt, all this in properly selected edemas can improve and make the image unforgettable.

Jewelry in red colors – rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants or even tiaras will help to improve the situation. Decorated with red stones, such as ruby, garnet, jasper and even corundum, and trimmed with platinum or gold or any other metal, the items look great on their own, however, if they complement their image, they can emphasize and decorate the outfit.

It is worth remembering that in everything you need to know the measure, in particular, this applies to red. Do not overdo it with this color. Otherwise, you can turn from a queen having success into a miserable and ridiculous semblance of a Christmas tree. Nobody would like that, right?