Women’s handbag or make no mistake with the choice!

popularAll the girls know that choosing a women’s handbag is very difficult. And finding the right clutch can take a very long time. After all, a hand bag is a reflection of the girl’s style. In addition, it should be convenient for her, because a woman will have to use this thing all the time.

How do we choose a women bag?

Girls see in fashion magazines, on the sites of glamorous publications, samples that are offered by eminent fashion designers from different countries. And, seeing that some model is relevant at the moment, they buy it. But, making such purchases, women are often disappointed. Firstly, they can purchase a bag that does not fit in with their clothes. Secondly, it may turn out to be impractical. As a result, the girl will not use it, but will begin to look for a more suitable model. So how not to make a mistake with the choice of a hand bag? What product parameters should I focus on?

Bag material.

And of what material the bag is made of, is of great importance. Now manufacturers use leather, suede, press leather, fabric, canvas for their tailoring. Leather and suede models can be called universal. Women carry their bags all year round. But, choosing a product from natural material, you need to pay attention to its quality. It should not have external defects, scuffs, even small cracks. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers rub sponges with special impregnation of abrasion on leather products. In the store they look perfect, and after a while the defect becomes visible. Therefore, if a leather bag shines too much, and even unevenly, it is quite possible that the seller tried to hide some of its external flaw. And such a product must be inspected very carefully. Defects in fabric and suede are usually visible immediately.

Bag size.

The size of the bag will also need to be considered. For a woman who often carries work documents with her, a large bag-bag will do. The girl who takes her handbag for a walk is a small clutch. Customers need to choose a bag of this size to make it convenient for them. Indeed, sometimes a woman can buy a small model in size, and then it turns out to be unhappy that nothing is placed in the bag and you have to carry bags with you everywhere to put documents or things in them.

To prevent this from happening, you need to understand exactly what the bag is bought for, how many things a woman will have to wear in it. The ideal option is to have several handbags. Let a work bag, a theatrical one, be available for walks on weekends. And let them all be of different sizes. Then the woman will not look ridiculous in the theater with a huge briefcase or at a business meeting with a small “wallet”, but with a full plastic package of documents.

Bag style.

The design of the bag is also of no small importance. There are strict models, but there are a large number of various decorative elements. All are designed for different occasions. Strict bags – office, with jewelry – can be everyday or holiday. And the style of the bag must be taken into account when choosing it. Indeed, in different situations, one and the same thing may look out of place.

A bright bag with jewelry will go well with a summer dress on vacation, but it will look strange if a woman comes to her office. It is also better for the theater to buy an elegant clutch made of suede or patent leather with rhinestones or beads, and not go into it with a strict black bag, which will contrast sharply with beautiful evening clothes.