Women’s clothing that does not fatten!

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Clothing for women that does not complete, or 5 rules for fashionable disguise!

Well-known fashion designer and stylist Lee Faldon believed that there are only two main types of women’s clothing – one that fills you, and one that does not. She invited all women who want to look 100% to master the technique of elegant camouflage of your fullness.

Lee Faldon’s technique allows women to look fashionable and attractive, regardless of a figure flaw. To do this, you need to adhere to only a few rules:

Rule 1. Monotony in clothes.
Any mod magazine editor, fashion designer or stylist knows this trick. In plain women’s clothing, any person looks slimmer and taller, since one color always creates a visual vertical. Great if you can use the details of the same color, but with different textures, or different shades. It’s great if you can add a detail of a different color to a plain suit. Dark and neutral colors in clothes are more advantageous. Outfits of dark colors perfectly absorb light, they have less noticeable grooves and seams, it is impossible to immediately uncover the cut. The neutral color in clothes is a color that is not trendy, perfectly in harmony with other colors in clothes and with the color of your skin. Today, it is most often olive and mustard, cream and beige, navy blue. But you must always remember – the darker the more slimmer you are.

Rule 2. All lines are only from top to bottom.
The faster the eye moves along the line, the longer the area occupied by it is perceived. In vertical lines on clothes, your gaze descends very easily, and your body is perceived as tall and slender, along horizontal lines your gaze creeps slowly and lazily, therefore your figure appears wide and stunted.

Rule 3. Observance of proportions in clothes.
You need to understand how the different parts of your body relate to each other – the length of the body to the length of the legs, the width of the chest to the width of the hips, etc. Having correctly determined the balance of your body, you can successfully choose the ratio of the parts of the suit.

Rule 4. Rigid, voluminous and shiny fabrics – away.
Women’s clothing made of hard fabrics does not at all take into account the shapes of your body, its voluminous tissues are full, shiny – they reflect light perfectly, which makes you seem much larger.

Rule 5. Shaping underwear.
Modeling underwear is 80% of the overall success. Today, various types and forms of modeling underwear are freely sold. Some will pull the tummy, others will shape the buttocks, others will narrow the hips – in a word, giving the body elegance and harmony with the help of underwear is not a problem today.