The right choice of clothing, jewelry and accessories.

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fashionable women's outfitsAn eternal female problem: the choice of jewelry, clothing, accessories.

It is extremely difficult to find a woman in the world who would not like jewelry. And our dear men can make fun of us about this as much as they want – in fact, there is absolutely nothing negative about this, and there is no smell here at all for collecting shiny glass, which famous birds suffer from.

In fact, women love jewelry, because they consciously or intuitively understand how important it is in life to be able to appear in different images, and jewelry and accessories provide an excellent opportunity to achieve this result, perfectly complementing dresses, suits, sundresses and other various women’s clothing.

However, even a conscious understanding of this, unfortunately, does not guarantee anyone from mistakes – what then can we say about intuitive perception? In addition, if there is no understanding that accessories and jewelry allow you not to drown in an endless stream of new items, then even love for jewelry and accessories will not be of any use.

Too many women think that the larger and more extensive their clothing collections, which include clothes for all occasions – fall coats, summer sundresses, fashionable dresses and smart blouses – the better. Of course, their opinion is wrong.

However, it can be worse – those who think that they have comprehended the truth in the last instance, know how to choose clothes for themselves and therefore are even less inclined to listen to advice from outside. If such a woman believes that in order to become completely irresistible, it is enough for her, for example, to buy a dress, she will do it and really will quite sincerely feel herself in this dress completely irresistible – no matter how much this fact corresponds to the objective reality.

One way or another, the result of all this is still the same – a bunch of outfits, sometimes just incredibly huge, closets packed to overflowing with clothes, and sometimes even cardboard boxes next to the closets filled with things that can’t fit into the closets. And, at the same time with all of the above, even rather in spite of the above, there are constant problems with the fact that there is nothing to wear when the need arises.

So, what needs to be done, how to ensure that the clothes are exactly as much as needed, and that they are not just, but exactly what they need in all possible situations?

The answer is simple: using jewelry and accessories is a great way. But, of course, not just use, but competent use – with the right approach – jewelry and accessories for your clothes must be chosen according to the rules, just like the clothes themselves. After all, if, for example, you have a desire to buy a tunic, you will not grab the first tunic you come across – but, at least, you will choose it based on your constitution, height, and simply from personal preferences regarding color and style. They do the same with jewelry and accessories.

The general rules for this choice are quite simple:

First and foremost – do not get carried away with quantity, because everything must be guided by a sense of proportion. Do not try to hang on yourself all the jewelry that you have at the same time – no matter how much you like them. You don’t want to look like a Christmas tree, do you?

Further, jewelry and accessories for yourself must be selected based on your height and your constitution. It is impossible to come up with a single clear universal rule here, everything must be evaluated in aggregate. The main thing is that jewelry and accessories on you should look harmonious. Therefore, for example, thin and slender girls should not get carried away with voluminous and massive jewelry, while for women with a denser constitution, such jewelry and accessories are perfect.

The third rule is that the location of accessories and jewelry should be chosen based on the need to emphasize the advantageous features of the figure and, conversely, disguise the disadvantages.