Summer coat.

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short coat, coat, pants, trench coatIn each season, you can find fashionable options for women’s coats, because clothing designers always delight the fair sex with new, beautiful outfits. Not very long ago, the so-called summer boots and the very ankle boots appeared, as designers are already proposing a new hit – a summer coat.

Although at first glance this idea seems to be just an absurd invention, it is not at all so in reality, because it also has the right to exist. Indeed, on cold summer evenings, or bad and rainy weather, a coat will do just fine.

There are coat options in the style of Chanel itself, which has a trapezoidal shape, and are executed in an elegant classic style. Usually such a coat is sewn in white, although you can also find light gray options, as well as beige.

Crochet coats look very nice, although their function is primarily more decorative than practical. Wear such coats as capes for any summer outfit. A crocheted or knitted coat is considered fashionable, the length of which is slightly below the knees.

The novelty of this season is a fashionable summer coat without a collar. Fashionable scarves and shawls are worn to him, which perfectly complement these clothes.

These coats are sewn from different materials. Cotton is a very convenient material that practically does not wrinkle, therefore it is this type of material that takes the first place. Coats of completely different colors are sewn from this material, because this material lends itself very well to dyeing. Also, the coat can be with various and beautiful patterns, as well as prints.

The second place in sewing summer coats is taken by linen. This material is natural, allows the human body to breathe, and can also reflect the very harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. This fabric is slightly rougher than cotton in structure, but it is still considered very popular among summer coats. The disadvantage is that this material is very crumpled.

There is another material that is popular among summer coats – jacquard. It is a very dense material, so completely different models of fashionable coats can be sewn from it. Coats that can be transformed into a short jacket with one movement of the hand have become especially popular now.