Practical shopping – tips for women of fashion.

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A few ideas and tips for successful shopping from experienced “fashion builders”.

First advice.

It must be remembered that you need to prepare for autumn from the middle of the summer season. Items from the demi-season (off-season) wardrobe are removed from storage and divided into three piles. The first part contains your favorite things that will definitely come in handy in the next upcoming season.

In the second pile, there is something that was acquired by chance, or worn out, tired, and will definitely not be dressed.

Things accumulate in the third pile, with an ambiguous meaning – no decisions are made at this stage, as they are waiting for a fresh autumn filling.

Second advice.

New purchases need to be planned. There is an eastern wisdom: “If in doubt, refrain.” By sticking to this idea, you will get rid of the habit of buying random things. If you liked what you saw – imagine how this garment will look on you. You need to learn to imagine, virtually, how this thing is combined with your image.

Third advice.

It is necessary to acquire not the things themselves, but oneself beloved in them. It is important to make the first seasonal purchase very correct, to which the rest of the wardrobe will gradually “gather”.

Fourth advice.

During the first starting shopping trip, refrain from shopping until you have inspected the maximum number of new collections. Experienced “wise women of fashion” are advised to leave a stylish wallet at home – for this “first time”, or open an online clothing store. Unable to make a spontaneous purchase, congratulate yourself for showing willpower and Nordic resilience.

Fifth advice.

Set yourself up for the following procedure: periodically try on things that are completely unexpected and atypical for you. Such a bold and creative approach will bring fresh “notes” to the new “sound” of your personality.

Sixth tip.

For starters, you can virtually assemble two or three everyday seasonal sets. Determine exactly what is missing for a harmonious combination of selected items and completeness of the chosen image. Using the existing ensembles, let them “take root”. Then, it will be easy to determine what can be used to “revive” and complement the outfits: interesting details, accessories, or stylish and comfortable shoes.

Seventh advice.

Having modeled the main stylistic idea, you can go through boutiques and markets in search of a precisely calibrated, definite thing. The result will be great: a decent fresh look, money saved and a great mood.