Women’s clothing and 10 rules of women’s wardrobe!

Your women’s clothing is your reflection, she herself speaks everything for you. What you wear will show your lifestyle, goals, fantasy.

• You do not need to buy a thing if you are not sure that you will start wearing it soon. It is recommended to think about each upcoming purchase in advance. Otherwise, you can purchase an item that you already have. Make a shopping list for the things you are missing.

• Do not buy items in the same color and cut as you bought last year. Of course, this does not apply to basic wardrobe items.

• Don’t buy clothes that you just like. Think carefully about how and with what you will wear it. Choose classics – proven brands.

• Do not buy things at mega obscure sales. There is no need to chase the fact that clothes are cheap, as this only clutters your wardrobe. Buy only those women’s things that you really need or that you have in one copy or one color.

• There is no need to buy a skirt, jeans, trousers for every women’s blouse or jumper – this is absolutely not rational, because the impression of a new set is given by the upper part of women’s clothing.

• Do not try to buy clothes if they are a little too small for you, in the hope that you will lose weight. Better to do the opposite: lose weight first, and then buy. Otherwise, while you lose weight, it will go out of trend.

• Do not hang things on different wardrobes, you should have everything on the shelves, otherwise you will definitely forget about some things. It is better to hang everything according to the seasons. So it will be more convenient and clear what to wear with what and when.

• Don’t buy a lot of ultra trendy or extravagant items. The first – quickly go out of fashion, and the second – you can hardly wear it many times.

• Do not repeat, copy, buy the same down jacket, the same shoes or the same bag as your friend, sister or neighbor. After all, not everything that suits her will suit you.

• Do not buy an item right away. Play around with what you can wear it with, go shopping, think about how you can combine it. Each new item should match the five already in your wardrobe. Remember about, these are the rules when shopping, buying clothes in an online store should also be thought out, which does not apply if you decide to buy wholesale women’s clothing, other principles of choosing clothes work here.

The base of any wardrobe must be well thought out. A basic wardrobe is like a canvas around which you yourself place the missing elements – accessories, complementing and transforming the existing image. Respect the purchased women’s clothing, take proper care of it and it will thank you – it will serve you faithfully and for a long time.