Youth clothing, 20 facts you need to know.

What are clothes for? How men and women relate to her. What clothes are best to choose. 20 facts young people need to know about clothing

1. It is important to dress nicely and neatly.

2. Modern clothing not only emphasizes the merits and hides the flaws of its owner, but can also tell about his character and preferences.
3. Choose only quality clothing.
4. It is better to buy new clothes than to take them from second-hand shops.
5. The clothes you choose should suit you.
6. It should always be appropriate.
7. Individual items of clothing are combined with each other.
8. Dressy clothes cheer up.
9. If a man is well dressed, then his woman is taking good care of him.
10. When a woman buys clothes, she wants to look better than other women.
11. A man is very annoyed when he is waiting for his wife, but she still cannot decide on the outfit.
12. A man does not spend a lot of time choosing and buying clothes, which cannot be said about women.
13. A new outfit can cheer yourself up.
14. If a woman wants to attract a worthy man, one should not use cheap clothes and cosmetics. Although there are men who do not care. They themselves will dress their chosen one with everything they need.
15. Only a person who treats himself and others without respect will allow him to be sloppy in clothes.
16. Dress appropriately for an important meeting.
17. If you have no taste, fashion news will help.
18. Not everything is fashionable to the face.
19. Clothing is primarily intended for comfort and warmth, and only then for everything else.
20. Children are given toys, not clothes.