The most popular clothes that never go out of fashion.

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Eternal trends. What wardrobe items have been popular for over half a century

Many people believe that fashion is very capricious and always requires something new. But this is far from true. So, many things that arose several decades ago remain loved by everyone to this day. The article will talk about wardrobe items that will soon celebrate their long-awaited anniversary, and for all this time fashionistas of all countries have not left the wardrobes.

Denim items (jeans).

The history of this thing begins with the West of the 20s. Their original purpose was practicality, so cowboys and miners mostly wore jeans. In fact, jeans were work clothes that were not afraid to get dirty or ruined. Oddly enough, the popularity effect worked not only in a narrow circle of workers, but throughout the world. And finally, jeans were able to gain fame with the advent of cinema. It was American cinema that popularized this thing. After that, all the guys put on jeans, and after them the girls.


This attribute of every girl’s wardrobe has not lost momentum since the 1940s. It was these swimsuits that revolutionized the fashion world. It doesn’t matter what will happen to this world in a few years, and no one will ever find a bikini competitor. Many people love to sunbathe. And no one plans to go back to the days when women imprisoned their bodies in one-piece swimsuits.

Military boots.

In fact, these are just boots with wide soles that were developed during the First World War. And their main goal is to ensure the patency of the infantry in all possible territories (forests, swamps, rocky terrain). But even in our peacetime, these shoes have not lost their popularity. At the same time, everyone can wear it: from punks and rockers to a young girl in a pink tutu.


The familiar jacket appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. And since then, only one thing has changed – the representatives of the weaker sex also adopted this wardrobe item for themselves. The jacket has long been part of the dress code in many educational institutions and large companies. Only one jacket can make the image more beautiful and neat.


Not everyone likes long outerwear on themselves. Therefore, many wear an analogue of a dense jacket for pilots. It looks like an ordinary leather jacket with a warm fleece inside. This type of jacket also appeared during the First World War. At that time, the cockpits of combat aircraft were not equipped with special glass, so at certain moments the temperature in the cabin could reach a record minus temperature. In connection with this fact, many countries decided to start producing special clothing for pilots at factories.

No one will doubt that every person can find at least one thing from this list.