The combination of colors in clothes or how to always look perfect?

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“They meet by their clothes, but see them off by their mind,” says the proverb. And, as a rule, most people make the first impression of the interlocutor in the appearance of clothing.

In order to look like a confident and attractive interlocutor, you need rules for observing and combining colors in clothes with each other. Agree, because if you wear a colorful dress to a business meeting, then colleagues are unlikely to appreciate such a gesture. For each occasion, meeting there is a certain color and its combination with another shade.

Black is one of the universal colors and is the base of every girl’s wardrobe. To look elegant and mysterious, black is the best color.

White is the color of tenderness and innocence, just like black is universal. The only negative of this color is the increased soiling, which, of course, makes you think about what occasion to wear it for. The most successful time of the year for white things is summer.

Gray, unlike its universal counterparts, has taken the position of a neutral shade. Putting on the gray color, you can be sure that the interlocutors will see such character traits as stability, confidence.

Blue is a color that boasts many shades. The psychological characteristic of this color is as follows: a person keeps aloof and is not ready to openly show his emotions.

The blue color will tell others about the restraint and closeness of the interlocutor, it will also show a strong intellect. This color can be used for a formal meeting, but if you go to visit friends, it is better to use softer shades of blue.

Purple is the color of an extraordinary personality. It symbolizes the riddle, intelligence and depth of feelings of the girl. This color is more suitable for informal meetings.

Red color is suitable for attracting the attention of others. Since red is a very dynamic color, it should be avoided during working hours and should be dosed with elements of red in clothing.

Yellow color is usually used as an element of the image. Yellow recommends wearing in order to emphasize your confidence and get rid of stiffness. Yellow goes well with white.

Green color can be used in the basic wardrobe. A more saturated color will be suitable for festive occasions.

Brown is the perfect color for business meetings. This color reflects wisdom and wealth. But this color is only suitable for office work, if you wear it in everyday life, then it will be perceived by others as a mood of boredom and gloom.