Why do people want to follow fashion?

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This article is devoted to the consideration of the reasons why people have a desire to follow fashion.

1. Good mood.
A person who is dressed in the latest fashion is in a good mood, realizing all the attractiveness of his image. Of course, such an attitude has a positive effect on any field of activity in which he realizes himself, which is also an additional source of positive emotions. People who become a source of positivity always attract attention from others. As a rule, people with such an attitude are not at all against new acquaintances. After all, among them there can be very interesting interlocutors. This state of affairs, undoubtedly, is reflected in the most favorable way for a person.

2. Communication with others.
It is far from a secret that the appearance of a person plays an important role when it comes to establishing relationships between people. No matter how people resist the acceptance of this fact, speaking about the importance of the inner world of a person, but this is so. It is unlikely that there will be a large number of people who want to know this very inner world of a person who is unkemptly dressed. His appearance will scare and alarm others. It is a completely different matter when it comes to a person who carefully monitors his appearance. Everyone wants to communicate with him, to be close, to some extent they try to be helpful. It is this effect that the appearance of a person can produce.

3. Career growth.
It is very important to think over the issue of clothing before you go to get a job. After all, the employer cannot yet judge the professionalism of the employee, so his decision will largely depend on the perception of the appearance of the potential employee. Having received a position, you should not relax in this matter. It is important to maintain the created image throughout the entire time of work in a particular company. Otherwise, a person cannot avoid unambiguous hints about negligence in his image and possible dismissal, which can be accelerated by difficulties that he has in the performance of his official duties. But even a successful employee should never neglect his appearance.