Selection of a female suit according to appearance.

Selection of your costume according to the features of appearance and color type.

Selection of clothing color according to the figure and color type of a person.

• Spring type – peach skin, blond hair and light eyes. The following colors predominate in clothes: turquoise, cream, peach and coffee.

• Autumn type – red hair, eyes brown, gray or green. Light to bronze skin. Such shades in clothes as scarlet, yellow, orange will look good.
• Summer – light skin, hair from light to brown. The eyes are light. The following color palette is suitable for this type: gray – blue, cocoa, cherry, lemon.
• Winter – dark hair, bright eyes. The following colors predominate in clothes: emerald, malachite, graphite and snow-blue.

How to combine colors without looking silly:
It is quite difficult to choose a harmonious color scheme for a suit, and many, afraid to look ridiculous, dress in women’s clothes in dull, nondescript colors. There are several rules for color combinations:
• Combine no more than 2 – 4 colors in a suit;
• In the basic wardrobe of a woman it is better to use white, black and gray colors, they are well complemented by bright color details;
• Well combined with each other all pastel colors.

In addition, in the selection of a women’s suit, it is necessary to take into account the features of the figure. The ideal appearance practically does not exist; everyone has their own problem areas. It may be too short, a disproportionately built figure, a big belly and the absence of a thin waist …

By choosing and buying clothes correctly, you can easily hide any figure flaws and emphasize its beauty.
• If the neck is short, then the neckline should be V-shaped, a cape or an elongated semicircle.
• If the hips are wide, then skirts and women’s dresses should be flared silhouette and not bright colors.
• If you have a small chest, then the assemblies on blouses, flounces, frills will help out. Fabrics are better light and large pattern.

It is also worth giving preference to the presence of accessories in the suit of any woman. Properly selected accessories such as belts, scarves, stoles, handbags, brooches, beads, bracelets, hats, shoes, etc. will make the costume unique, highlight the beauty of the figure and help hide flaws.
There should be no accessories on problem areas. Their task is just to focus on the beauty of a thin waist, long neck and other advantages of the figure, looking away from the shortcomings. Every day a new look is created with the right accessories, this or that dress, skirt, blouse, trousers…

Clothing can change the appearance almost beyond recognition. It is only important to make the right choice of color of clothes. It all depends on the role that is performed today and now in life (clothes for housework, clothes for office work, clothes for walking with a child, clothes for going out).