Your appearance and clothing.

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My mother always said that you only get one chance to make a first impression and that first impression can go a long way. Women look at every detail, from your shoes to the cut of your hair. Be honest, women will always sort through a bunch of outfits before deciding what to wear for a night out on the town, and that’s why they judge you the same way. And that’s completely normal. But how do you know which women’s clothing is the right one to impress a girl on a first date?

But still, women’s clothing is not the only thing for women that they look to impress, a whole range of different details. Fortunately or not, but what is from the outside, she sees first of all, and she can judge this first of all.

Rule number one: don’t pull on pants, shirts, etc. You have to look neat. So, don’t take those, beloved, in the “dragon” old shoes and forget about them! Forget about T-shirts with big, loud prints, it might be sexy to some, but it won’t give you the green light. The solution to this problem is simple. Ask a friend (male or female) to tell you their honest opinion on the chosen outfit. Secondly, less iron, of course, not counting the belt with a large beautiful badge. You’ll be surprised how little you can do to change your appearance. Finally, don’t rush! Better spend an extra half hour preparing, but you will be great. It is not necessary to chase the latest fashion trends when choosing expensive branded outfits, women’s clothes should be clean, have a pleasant smell, and there should be a smile on your face. Your clothes should be comfortable.

It is also important to keep an eye on the little things that fall into the eyes: smell is the best place to apply inside your wrists, neck and even chest; teeth – use a toothbrush; nails – they also require care, they should be clean under them; hair combed and trimmed; maybe a little unshaven is sexy, but on the first date you should still shave.

Of course, not all women are the same, but most will agree that the fewer show-offs, the more with the accepted impression of a person.