Fashionable women’s clothing

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blouse, women's office clothing,With the onset of spring, any fashionista worries about the question – what will be possible to buy and wear this season to look stylish and fresh? Fashion designers around the world presented their fashion collections. And there are some common features in the fashion trends of the spring-summer season of 2018.

Colors of women’s clothing.

Abundance of pink in clothes. Finally, you can not be afraid to buy a pink dress. The designers presented models of different shades of pink – from light calm to bright fuchsia. In addition to pink, on the catwalks were also collections of white, black, red, blue and orange. In general, all collections of clothes are very bright and saturated in color.

Fashionable prints.

Fashionable prints of the warm season will be floral, peas, leopard print and inscriptions on clothes. One of the most common is a floral print. And this is not surprising, considering the time of the year. What kind of flowers are not on the dresses of fashionable couturiers. Different sizes, from small chamomiles to huge roses.

Dresses in polka dots are again in vogue. White or colored, it’s up to you, but definitely on a black background. This is a fashion trend. Especially spectacular dress in peas emphasize the charm of young beauties, creating a light romantic style.

The leopard print has returned again. This image brings us back to ancient times, when women wore animal skins on their bodies. Leopard print characterizes unbridled female character.

Inscriptions and logos. T-shirts with large inscriptions have not gone out of fashion for a long time, and this season designers again turned their attention to them. Inscriptions are also of different sizes, made in different parts of clothing. The goal is to attract attention.

Fashionable clothing styles.

A few styles will become fashionable in the spring-summer season.

Linen style. Infinitely feminine, light, playful, romantic. This style again makes us happy this season.

Oversize does not disappear from our field of vision. In summer clothes, he appears mainly in the form of men’s shirts, voluminous blouses, wide sleeves, large t-shirts.

Pajamas style is also not new for those who follow fashion trends. Infinitely comfortable style, suitable for daily use.

Romantic style. Long, exquisite dresses of flowing materials. What could be more beautiful? Fans of true femininity can make their choice in favor of this beautiful style.

Sport style. Of course, again, Olympians, shorts, shirts and polo dresses, pants with stripes. Where without them? An unusually convenient and popular style is gaining momentum this summer.

So, the fashionable mood of the upcoming season is very diverse, quite intricate and will certainly answer even the most original and picky mods when choosing an individual image in clothes. The online clothing store from the manufacturer STIMMA offers to get acquainted with its new products Spring-Summer 2018 in the catalog.