Buy a fashionable snood, what is it?

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all for the ladiesFashion on a snoop.

Not everyone knows that a scarf, the ends of which are stitched, is called snud. It’s easy to make it yourself from a wide scarf, a tattoo or knit. Also, you can find and buy a snood in any fashion store. Snood can be from any material – yarn, silk, chiffon, wool, knitwear. The most common variant is a knit sleeve. Most recently, fur-felted or fur-footed shoes appeared on fashion shows.

Snooth is a rather functional accessory. The knit sleeve can be worn like a scarf, a shawl, a palette, instead of a hat like a shawl or a hood and even as a vest. The vest can be made from a long sleeve, put on a body and crossed in front.

By itself, the snood acts as a bright and fashionable accessory. But also, it is encountered and additionally decorated with beads, pebbles, brooches, fringes, etc. knitted weaving can also have a variety of interesting patterns, both from single-threaded yarns and from multi-colored ones. It is possible to decorate a sleeve yourself, if it is monochrome. The massive brooch on the falling down will be looking rather exquisitely. The closer you place the brooch from the face, the more it will emphasize the color and shine of the eyes.

The color of the snuff must be chosen based on the color of the clothing. If it is predominantly black, brown, gray or white, then you can choose a snood of any bright color, most importantly, to fit the face. Not everybody has bright shades, some of them rubbing the color of eyes and hair, bruises under the eyes and other irregularities of the face stand out. Shades of pastel shades are a fairly universal solution.

The material and other accessories depend on which material is used. Knitted mittens and leggings are suitable for knitting sleeves, and leather gloves and boots for fur. Also, if you buy a snood then it will fit any upper garment. It is worthwhile to note that if the down jacket has a massive hood, then the snuff should be used inappropriately. To avoid overloading the image, it is advisable to use a fashionable sleeve with jackets or coats where there are no collars or hoods. The knit sleeve looks harmoniously on the small leather jackets, heels.