Buy leggens – what to wear and how to combine?

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Stimma - UkraineLeggens: with what and how to combine?

Today, leggens are especially popular with the fair sex. This item of women’s wardrobe emphasizes the female figure, makes it more attractive. However, before you put on this seemingly simple women’s clothing, it’s worth knowing what and how to combine it. After all, the image should be complete and harmonious. The most important thing to remember is that women’s leggings are neither pantyhose nor pants, so the upper part of the dress should cover the buttocks.

The most ideal leggings kit is an elongated shirt. And it can be both with a long sleeve, and without it. In addition to this, you can wear a jeans or leather jacket during the cool weather and a wide belt in warm weather. Shoes can be on almost any heel.
This wardrobe item will look great with short dresses that fit the silhouette. Although the models with extended bottom will look perfect. This image can be combined with a coat and elongated boots. The dress can be replaced with a set of blouses and short skirts.

In early spring or autumn you should not remove leggensy in the wardrobe. Indeed, due to the fact that they are produced even from dense materials, cold does not become an obstacle for them. Also at this time of the year, warm dresses will be very relevant options: knitted or knitted.

Fur vests are in fashion today. The most important thing is to choose models of monophonic or dark tones. In this case, shoes should be classic and strict. In this case, you get a harmonious image that will attract attention.

When choosing a set for leggens it is worth remembering one basic rule, which says that thick leggings are not recommended to be worn with light dresses, and thin and transparent – with warm variants of women’s clothing.

Since shoes are the final touch to any image, it is very important to choose the right one. Women’s leggens are the subject of wardrobe with which you can wear almost any shoe, on any heel.

It is also not recommended to give preference to leggens women who are prone to corpulence. Since this piece of clothing will once again emphasize some of the flaws of the figure. Owners of thin legs should also beware of this type of wardrobe. With bright leggens, you should not wear flashy tops, the top should be combined with the bottom of the color scheme.