Elegant everyday life – women’s wardrobe in the style of Smart-Casual.

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Elegant everyday life – how to choose the right wardrobe, in the style of Smart-Casual?

The style of Smart-Casual in the modern world has won the position of the basic style for office workers and has become the most popular for residents of megalopolises. In English, Smart-Casual English is elegant + casual, which implies a combination of business elegance with freedom and comfort.

Unlike the classic business style, Smart-Casual does not require wearing a tie, a fully buttoned shirt and a strict suit. At the same time, unlike the Casual style, wearing ragged jeans and other similar things is not allowed. In the style of Smart-Casual jeans must look elegant and strict.

There is a set of things that constitute the basis of this style. Among them are classic wardrobe items, such as a shirt or jacket, as well as women who adhere to this elegant style, you must also have a straight dress and a pencil skirt.

In terms of shoes, classic models will suit both genders. Sneakers, as well as an excessively high heel are unacceptable. Do not forget about the accessories, such as a stylish head scarf or scarf.

In smart-casual style, neutral colors are considered basic. These colors include white, black, blue, burgundy, beige, brown.

There are a number of rules that will allow you to perfectly match the chosen style. Men should not allow combinations of several things of a classic suit at the same time. For example, a wool jacket is well suited to classic trousers, and a jacket will look good with jeans. Women’s style should not choose tight-fitting items, as well as overly open models. Although Smart-Casual in general does not provide for brightness, accents in the form of small bright monophonic accessories are permissible.

Smart-Casual is deservedly considered one of the most versatile styles. It suits people of both sexes and allows you to dress for both office work and evening entertainment.