Casual women’s clothing or how to be fashionable?

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spring cardigans, business style in clothes, women's cardigan, Coco Chanel, fashionable cardigans, comfortable blousesBeing fashionable is easy!

It happens that there is not enough time or desire to follow fashion trends. Or perhaps you simply have no idea how you can transfer the things you see on the runways to your own wardrobe. With the help of some tricks, you can look fashionable and modern, not particularly delving into the latest trends.

The ability to correctly choose casual clothes is a guarantee that you will look fashionable.

Casual wear

First of all, you should pay attention to the one-colored clothes in the wardrobe was smaller. So, pants, even with a classic herringbone pattern or from checkered fabric, will look more stylish than from plain material.

A dress with a pattern is always a better option than a plain one.

It is better to choose a casual dress, based on the simplicity of its style, however, in this case, avoid monophonic models. Dress classic laconic cut, decorated with a print, never seem out of fashion.


Of course, to shine and shine is not at all the same. However, the shiny top, embroidered with beads or sequins, will surely bring a fresh, intriguing and attractive touch to your look. By the way, this is why every season several fashion designers offer us at least one brilliant piece of clothing from their new collection. Glitter never goes out of fashion, just at different times, couturiers make different things and accessories shine.

Brilliant top in the wardrobe – what you need to shine.

The shiny top in this case is a truly universal thing, as it is appropriate in the image of almost any style, and harmoniously blends with almost any thing. Jeans, classic skirt, tweed jacket, light pants, flying skirt – they all start to play with new colors, being in the company of a shiny top.

And, finally, the main secret of brilliant things: they can be afforded only by the woman who shines from the inside – with confidence, beauty, youth. Only then will you feel yourself and look in brilliant things really fashionable.

Combination of styles

Eclectic clothing is rarely successful – for this you need to have impeccable taste and very wide capabilities. As a rule, the combination of several details of diametrically opposite styles does not look very good.

The ability to combine things of different styles is essential for those who want to look fashionable.

Here, too, there is a secret: in order to make it possible to combine the details of several styles in one image, there must be another subject that unites them.

So, the neighborhood of business shoes of a classical strict model and jeans can be “justified” with a jacket, for example, from tweed, in the style of Chanel. It also has the right to exist a combination of a short top, opening the belly, and a classic string of pearls around the neck, if you have a long chiffon skirt and closed shoes among other items of clothing.

Evaluate the whole image to see if you have chosen the right clothes and accessories.


No wonder they say that the style make exactly the details. They should especially pay a lot of attention, because even an unsuitable button color or poorly chosen decorative inserts on the shoes may well destroy your image.

Properly selected accessories will make the image stylish and fashionable.

Thinking through how you dress, attract to the rescue your ability to select details, and you should not lose sight of even the smallest ones. Try to evaluate yourself from the outside, and not necessarily mentally, but in reality, that is, put on everything that you plan to wear to leave the house. For this very useful mirror, where you would see yourself in full growth. Unfortunately, few of us can say that there is such a thing in their home, while it is a prerequisite for an adequate and objective assessment of your work as your personal stylist.

If there is no such mirror and probably will not be – ask someone from your relatives to take a picture of you in full growth and from different angles, and then evaluate your efforts to create an image as a whole, and not its individual parts.

Remember: the more carefully you select each of the details of the image, the more attention you pay to assessing how well they combine with each other – the greater the chance that you will look fashionable and modern not only occasionally, but always. After all, the ability to dress fashionably and stylishly is the same habit as many others, which means that it also needs to be formed.