Women’s clothing, or how to dress in the club to pass face control!

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Women's clothing and clubs.Women’s clothing and clubs. I’m sure many readers of this article have faced such an awkward and unfortunate situation where not miss club without explanation. The reason actually is, and it does not even need to explain – you just do not like the face-kontrolschiku, but rather how you are dressed. Today, we will share with you some of the secrets of success in this no easy mission, like going to the club, and you can quickly and completely “painless” to pass face control.

The biggest problem for the girls face-control is that when visiting a club they choose is not the proper place of the women’s clothing. It should once and for all to remember that the hike in the club is not as gatherings with her friends for coffee, not a walk through the city, and especially not the office on the road. In the club go to dance, have fun and flirt, so the appearance to talk about why you came here, in this case – for fun and your women’s clothing has to be a mirror of your intentions. In this case, even expensive women’s clothes of famous brands will not help you get into the club if they do not correspond to the situation. Experts believe that if you want to get into the club, where a few get really, not too lazy to turn the club into any other day to see how the girls dressed the ones allowed in the club. It is better to lose a little bit of time to understand how the system works, than to spoil your evening in another time and did not get anywhere.

If you are not known for the best compilation of images and stylish image, but do not worry, there is a solution. In this case, just stop your choice on the universal and saving version – a woman’s dress. This is the easiest and a very winning option. Do not choose an evening dress to the floor – it is unlikely to be appropriate, if this is not the theme party, because in this dance is almost impossible. It is better to stop the choice on a fairly short, not vulgar, but wisely emphasizes the dignity of all shapes dress that distinguish you from the crowd. Cuts, cuts on the dress, the neckline, shiny rhinestones – all welcome, but in reasonable quantities. Women dressed vulgar, often not allowed into clubs for obvious reasons. Shoes with heels chooses necessary and it should not be to look cheap, and in any case, shoes should not I bring to the holes! And keep in mind that they should be comfortable to dance, and why else would you come here?