Youth clothes as fashion and street style.

women's coats, buy coats, straight coatsFashion industry as a street style!

It’s no secret that youth fashion is gaining momentum, designers in their work increasingly prefer the new – street fashion, rather than the “proven” classics. Nowadays, it’s rare to meet a girl dressed in a dress on the floor, in her place came comfortable women’s trousers and a pullover.

But what is this — your “street” fashion?

Street fashion is such a style in clothes when everyone is wearing the most comfortable to wear, in these outfits there are often “hipster” elements of clothing (hoodies that cover the body, huge glasses, interesting shoes).

Where did such a “fashion” come from to Ukraine?
It is often said that the “western” wind brought such a trend to us – in other words, it could have come from America (there always, especially in the 80-90s, things of our “street” fashion were popular). As they say, the new is the well-forgotten old (indeed, after all, “baggy” things were popular in America in the years of the 70-80s).

Some examples of fashionable things now:

Pants with vertical stripes on the sides.

This year, fashionistas (and fashionistas) in trousers with vertical stripes already appeared on the streets of the city (evokes thoughts of the “Russian underground”). If you like to combine sporty style with glamorous – this is your choice, because such pants can be worn even with high-heeled shoes! Pants of this style perfectly lengthen the legs, especially if they are dark blue (black) in color and have two stripes.


Now it’s fashionable (and, most importantly, profitable) to choose “two in one” things. Agree, it is better to buy one pantsuit than to pick up pants, and then a jacket (+ such things can be worn separately). Pantsuits have always been considered a sign of wealth and wealth that attracts men. It’s better to choose suits of unusual colors and colors (for example, red or brown), because plain black is no longer in fashion (even “ageless classics” is not an argument)!

Volumetric sleeve.

Yes, such a sleeve will definitely not leave its owner without attention! There are a lot of variations of things with a magnificent sleeve – it can be a dress, sweater or jacket. It will be nice if you choose a bright thing (a red voluminous sweater or a yellow oversized dress) – it is now fashionable.

Fashion is very interesting, always try to understand the history of creating this or that thing (as a bonus – this is an interesting topic for talking with girlfriends), because you can predict the following trends!