How to choose socks?

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buy socks, socks, socks for the winterA person’s appearance plays a significant role in his life. And the saying that, they say, “they meet by their clothes” is not an empty phrase. Agree, a neat, nicely dressed person has much more chances to make an acquaintance, he will be more likely to be hired. And among the people already working in the office, the bosses usually single out those who are always dressed upright.

If you want to make your image harmonious, every little thing should be considered. For example, such a seemingly insignificant detail like socks. They are not immediately striking, but if at an important meeting you sit opposite your interlocutor, crossing your legs, then your counterpart will inevitably pay attention to your socks. And if they “knock out” the style of your outfit, then the person subconsciously draws appropriate conclusions about your manner of dressing.

How to choose and buy socks correctly?

There are criteria to pay attention to. This is their color, size and material from which they are made. Each of these criteria is equally important. And if the color of the socks influences solely your style, then socks made of low-quality materials or the wrong size can have a negative impact on your well-being and health. Let’s dwell on each of the criteria for choosing socks.
How to choose the right size for socks?

It is very easy to determine the correct sock size: it should be one size larger than the shoes you usually wear. For example, if you always buy size 36 shoes, you should buy size 37 socks. Only in this case the sock will fit perfectly on the leg. When buying hosiery from an online store, check the special size chart and choose the socks that work for you.

Buying socks that are smaller than you need, you not only significantly reduce their service life, but also cause yourself discomfort, because the heel on the toe will not coincide with your heel, and the sock will press on your toes, preventing them from bending and unbending. Also, pay attention to the fact that the elastic of the sock is not tight – this will negatively affect blood circulation in the foot area.
How to choose the material of the socks?

Before buying, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the fabric in the socks you like. It is best if the cotton content in the fabric is at least 90% – such socks will last longer and will definitely not cause any allergic reactions. However, socks made of pure cotton are not very durable, so it is desirable that the composition contains 5-10% of synthetic material, which is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the product.
How to choose socks by color?

Choosing the color of your socks is easy. If you plan to wear them under your pants, socks that match the color of your pants, or one shade darker or lighter, are ideal. It is desirable that the socks be of a solid color, without conspicuous patterns, inscriptions and bright drawings.

Remember that socks, like underwear, should be changed daily. It is very convenient to immediately purchase 7 pairs of socks – for each day of the week. When making a purchase, remember what color trousers and jeans prevail in your wardrobe, and buy more socks in that color. Then you will always have the right pair, and your image will be perfect in any situation.