Buy thermal underwear, how to choose and wear?

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buy thermal underwear, thermal underwear for the winter, price of thermal underwearThermal underwear: how to choose and wear?

In the modern world, wearing thermal underwear is very popular. However, many assume that it should not be worn by everyone, but only by certain people, such as athletes. It is also worn by people who work in very uncomfortable conditions. Consider what is actually thermal underwear?

Thermal underwear: what is it?

Thermal underwear is a multifunctional underwear that performs the function of keeping warm or removing excess moisture from the surface of the human body. Due to this function, thermal underwear is suitable for every person for everyday wear. It is especially useful for people involved in sports, as well as for outdoor enthusiasts.

How to choose thermal underwear?

When planning to buy thermal underwear, you need to carefully consider what you need it for! In short, all thermal underwear can be divided into 3 levels:
– moisture-removing (during active rest);
– heat-saving (with passive rest);
– mixed.

Most often, people buy thermal underwear for the winter. Therefore, depending on how the winter goes (warm, cold, frost, etc.), you need to make a choice.
Such underwear is very simple and easy to wear. It must be worn on a naked body, it must fit very tightly to it. If there is a choice between a size larger and smaller, then, naturally, it is better to take one size smaller. The fact is that if the thermal underwear does not fit tightly to the body, then it will not be able to fulfill its direct duties, that is, to keep warm or absorb moisture.

The composition of the thermal underwear.

It is not surprising, but the composition of thermal underwear is very multifaceted. It can be made of wool, polypropylene, polyester, cotton and their combination. As you know, synthetic materials remove moisture well. These materials are durable in their use. But the addition of wool or cotton makes the underwear more pleasant and comfortable for everyday wear.

Famous brands of thermal underwear on the world market are:
• ODLO (Switzerland),
• MILLET (France),
• Levron (Czech Republic),
• Janus (Norway),
• Joha (Denmark),
• Ketch (Sweden) and many others.

But despite the fame of foreign brands, thermal underwear is mainly made from similar materials using similar technology. Having bought STIMMA thermal underwear, you do not lose anything, and even remain in the black, since we follow all technologies and use only high-quality fabrics in sewing thermal underwear, the price of Stimma thermal underwear is also a significant plus, our thermal underwear is cheaper than imported counterparts.

Thermal underwear care.

Many things from everyday use require careful care due to their composition. But not thermal underwear! Caring for him will not be difficult.
The only thing that is very IMPORTANT is washing it. It is necessary to wash with a delicate wash, at a temperature no more than + 40 ° C. This important requirement is due to the composition of the laundry (more precisely, the multifaceted composition).

After washing, the laundry does not need to be wrung out; you just need to hang it up so that it can drain and dry without drying appliances.

If the thermal underwear is made of polypropylene, then it is strictly forbidden to iron it, dry it in tumble dryers, dry it over a fire or on a radiator. After all, if this linen is heated above + 60 ° C, then it will instantly and irreversibly lose all its properties.