Clothing and images from the movies that have become a trend!

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Sometimes people start to admire the characters of movies and TV shows so much that they immediately begin to copy their style. Many people have such acquaintances and friends. In this article – things that have become popular thanks to movies and TV shows.

Jeans and leather jacket.

This is what the main character of the picture “Savage” looked like. The hero of Marlon Brando is a rebel, a womanizer and a biker. Immediately on the first frame, an image of a “bad guy” is created, who is used to liking girls and defending his positions in front of others. After this film, the image of a rebel gained stylistic specifics – jeans, a white T-shirt and a leather jacket. By the way, many clothing stores have made a profit on the sale of jeans alone.

Skirt Gurchenko.

While in the West everyone considered themselves rebels in jeans, the film “Carnival Night” with young Gurchenko was released in the USSR. The success was amazing. Within a few days, 47 million tickets were sold. And later it began to be broadcast on TV. After this event, all Soviet women literally terrorized the ateliers of their city with a request to make a skirt like Gurchenko’s. It is worth saying that the fashion for fluffy skirts appeared long before the triumph of Gurchenko. They were created in the post-war period, when the rhythm of life changed significantly, and many designers decided that women are not wars, but beautiful creatures resembling flowers. Therefore, the very shape of the skirt very much resembles the shape of a tulip.

Brigitte Bardot hairstyle.

Brigitte Bardot’s hairstyle from the movie “Babette Goes to War” did not try to repeat only the lazy one. Women first combed each individual strand, and then fixed the strands on the back of the head with invisibility. Of course, few people managed to repeat the original, if only because the actress herself had gorgeous hair by nature. Therefore, to make such a hairstyle, one correct styling is not enough.

Marilyn Monroe dress.

Perhaps this is the most popular dress in the history of cinema. But few people know that this image came from the movie The Seven Year Itch. This dress was copied not only by Monroe’s contemporaries, but also by modern fashionistas. Even the Barbie doll did not bypass this outfit.

Shoes by Carrie Bradshaw.

For many Russian people, Carrie has become a guide to the world of fashion. Each new series was perceived as a new catalog of a fashion magazine. Some subjected her outfits to severe criticism, while others did not dare to say something extra about the style icon. In any case, her outfits were always talked about. But Carrie’s separate love was shoes. It is difficult for Russian women of the “zero” to imagine a whole closet filled with shoes. However, in America the reality was different. Shoes meant so much to her that even a marriage proposal was made to her next to the shoe closet. And the role of the ring was made by blue pumps with heels from Monolo Blahnik. Needless to say, the designer himself cursed the day his shoes were shown on the show. According to him, he could not calmly ride in a taxi, because even taxi drivers recognized him as the same shoe designer from the series with Carrie.

There are things that are forever out of the fashion world. And there are those who do not even think about leaving. And this story is about those things.