From fashion history: the first fashion shows

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fashion worldHistorians involved in researching the history of fashion has long talked about the creation of the history of corsets, crinoline dresses, little black dresses, high heels and many other things, but if our readers are familiar with the history of fashion shows themselves? This topic is interesting enough, but precisely because of it, few people know. In fact, the problem is that this topic is a little studied and just have not found yet a man who informed to the reader right idea and information seasoning is an interesting feed. But today we will try to solve the mystery of fashion shows.

The history of fashion shows begins its countdown to 1943, while the well-known publicist Eleanor Lambert, the time has organized an event called “Press Week” to raise public interest in fashion, but on the fashion to give impetus to the development.

Before World War II, many American designers were inspired by the French fashion – subtle style and absolute elegance. And when France was occupied by the Germans, a subsequent disappointment was the fact that many American designers and editors, exactly like the famous buyers could not go to the capital of fashion, Paris, to see new shows and events, and that’s what America is compelled to abandon French influence on fashion.

So back to the “Press Week”: enterprising Eleanor Lambert wanted to write about the work of some American designers, freed from the shackles of indiscriminate effect of the French and began to use in his work new materials and even the technology in the creation of women’s clothing, and the plan worked: the editors of fashion magazines finally pay their attention to the local fashion designers and completely switched to the subject of their work. American style, finally got his confession and stood apart from the French, becoming known as a modern and innovative, and later was recognized even design gurus – European couturiers.

But it is worth mentioning that before the “antics” Lambert fashion shows have taken place. For example, since 1903, many fashionable shops of New York staged their own show in order to attract new buyers, and in 1910 the large department stores have also organized their own fashion shows, which attract thousands of spectators.