How to choose and buy a dress the color of the eyes?

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How to properly make-up under the black dress!Fashion does not stand still. Every day there are more new models of dresses of various styles and colors. And that’s just difficult to choose. Inside, the trendy online store or want to find not only the most beautiful dress, but also to “own”, as though sewn just for you. And one important question in this case is how to choose and buy a dress the color of the eyes? After all, what is suitable for brown eyes, will not always be appropriate for the blue-eyed girl.

Let’s start with brown eyes. Perhaps, they are considered to be the most attractive and charming. Happy owners of brown eyes are perfect for blue, green and red colors, the main thing that the colors were bright and vivid. The golden color is also suitable for brown eyes, but it must be chosen with care, as incorrectly selected shade can spoil everything and bring disaster. However, if a golden hue chosen well, your eyes sparkle in all its glory and will be able to conquer any man. Another winning option for brown-eyed girls – juicy, tender, alluring peach. With proper makeup you look amazing.

Owners of blue and green eyes suit light soft shades – pink, yellow, green, pistachio, purple (the list goes on for a long time). Seroglazov the fair sex in the same suit these tones when choosing and buying dresses. Is perfect blue-eyed blonde and green-eyed brown-haired with light skin delicate lilac dress, but in any case not a dark purple, which give skin pallor and pain. Purple dress better experience on brunettes with dark skin.

Bright blue dress could put on the owner of any eye color. The deep blue color can decorate and highlight even the most bright and expressionless eyes. But do not forget about the qualitative make-up, it plays an important role in creating the right image.

White buy a dress suitable for any color of eyes and hair, but should pay attention to the color of their skin. Owners of very light skin tone would have to give the choice of a white dress, as it will emphasize her paleness.

Designers offer many options for different color models on the shelves of online stores that will enhance the beauty of any eye. Figures on the dress, similar in color to your eyes will be able to identify them, to make shine in new ways.

And of course, the little black dress, which should be present in the wardrobe of any girl. It is, of course, will approach all the charming creatures, regardless of the color of the eyes and skin.