Production and modeling clothes.

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online clothing storeModel in dress – a sample of the product. On the basis of the pattern can be any number of different build styles, that is, to change the pattern according to the new model. This is called modeling. Modeling – a creative process, they engaged artists and designers. Models garments are in the houses of models, sewing laboratories, design offices.

Based on the basic grid can simulate many styles such as dresses for different purposes.

After the simulation is cutting clothes.

Before cutting the fabric is prepared: check the footage, determine the right and wrong sides of the fabric, moistened and pat it, check if there are any spots and holes, the pattern distortion, align sections, determine the direction of the drawing. Then make up the fabric in half along the longitudinal threads, lining pruzhki and slices. First laid large, then the fine details. Decomposition do so as little as possible of waste (scraps) tissue. Patterns pinned to the fabric with pins and chalk encircle the contour. The second line encircle the seam allowances and hem. Applied to the fabric all the telltale signs (labels).

After the expansion is checked, there are all the details taken into account seam allowances and hem, a warp direction, drawing. Cut out the details of exactly allowance lines. The fabric is not necessary to lift and bend.

The rules of safe operation at the time of cutting:

1. pinning the pattern to the fabric, the tip of guide pins in one direction by himself.

2. Scissors store with closed blades in a special place; while working to put them right.

3. When cutting the fabric to hold the fingers of his left hand, keeping them at a safe distance from the narrow blade of scissors, contained under the cloth.

4. Transfer of scissors with blades serried ring forward.

Sewing garments.

For sewing garments requires special tools and fixtures. They are stored in a special box or drawers fitted to a door or machine sewing machine.

For tailoring apply various types of hand and machine stitching.

To indicate the various operations in the garment industry has a special terminology for hand, machine and work vlagoteplovoj