Women’s clothing wardrobe for the girls who have “apple” type figure!

How to create a wardrobe girls who have “apple” type of figure?

When the girl’s ideal parameters, it is fairly easy to find and buy women’s clothes for the preparation of his wardrobe, as such ladies is suitable for almost any women’s clothing even inexpensive. They do not need to specifically hide any shortcomings, because they simply do not have. But, unfortunately, these lucky is very small, and the majority of women still face difficulties in the selection and purchase of women’s clothing, especially for those whose figure corresponds to type “apple”.

The ideal figure is the type of “hourglass”, respectively, it is necessary to strive for it and try to achieve these parameters even with the help of well-chosen and purchased women’s clothing. It may seem that it is not very realistic, but it is not. As for the figure of “apple”, then it is characterized by the fact that the women of this type are quite narrow shoulders and slender legs, but the central part of the figure quite massive and that it needs a visual correction.

First of all it is necessary to deal with what is feminine things must be present in the wardrobe of women, so that they could easily be using them in different ways. Stylists say that basic wardrobe should include: pencil skirt, pants, dresses, jackets.

At the same time, any skirts and pants should be quite simple cut, it is not necessary to focus on the upper part by means of various kinds of belts and straps, it would be inappropriate. The perfect pencil skirt should be made of thick fabric and have recesses. That skirt this style closer to the ideal figure.

By its merits must be able to attract attention, for example, to the surrounding turned their attention to her shapely legs, rather than a full tummy, you should buy a skirt with an asymmetrical cut, thanks to him, all eyes will be directed precisely on the legs.

Trousers desirable to choose the length of 7/8, though under them you need to correctly select the shoes to shoes looked really stylish and well, for example, the perfect shoes, the color of which will be as close to the skin color.

If we talk about what to buy a dress, the ideal models for women with a figure of “Apple” is considered to buy a dress with a high waist or asymmetric brim.
As for the number of items in a basic wardrobe, you can not tell the exact number, since all women are individual, someone loves to wear pants, someone to buy dresses, it all depends on the preferences of most ladies.